Thursday, October 18, 2012

Letter from the Sponsor 10/18/2012

I meant to post this on Monday but whew! This Capital Campaign, Creating Space for Grace, has kept me running all month.

We had a great time last Sunday 10/14. Our original plan to hike Wild Basin was unfortunately mudded out after the fabulous rains of the previous week. I had to bail out my leaky car twice and a third time awaits me. After waking up to the rain on Sunday morning and knowing it would be so muddy, I grabbed my trusty laptop and started digging for an alternative activity. I came up with a couple options and Pastor Brad and I settled on the Texas Natural Science Center. After late service and a brown bag lunch, we loaded six youth and my kiddo into our two cars and off we went. Since it was such a beautiful day, I put that leaky roof of my car down and took with me a trio of laughing girls who didn't mind the wind.

We were all quite windblown when we arrived but nothing a brush couldn't cure.

The youth were great and I was proud to be escorting them through the exhibits. We had time to explore all the floors and all found something fascinating.

In the spirit of It's A Small World, I ran into my cousin and his wife. It's always good to see them.

The trip tied perfectly into the Confirmation lesson that week on creation. What a great afternoon spent with God's Awesome People (GAP? how's that for an acronym?)

with you in God's abundant love,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

We, guys and gals, Need. A. Name!

Say this five times fast: Abiding Love Middle School Youth Group.

That's so loooooooooooooong. And booooooooooooooooring. The high schoolers are The R.O.C.K. and we're not even A.L.M.S.Y.G. Almsyg just doesn't have the coolness of R.O.C.K.

Challenge: Name That Youth Group!

Attempt #1 G.I.G.L. Grow In God's Love, but that wasn't gonna fly. Even Ryan couldn't keep a straight face, and why would you want to when you just said

Attempt #2: G.I.G.G., which is what I'd like someone to do to some flounder, then cook it up for me. Yum! But Grow In God's Grace is definitely worth some work and effort on my part, even if I don't have tasty flounder at the end.
(Here's another gigg): 

Attempt #3: Your turn! Add it in the comments and I'll see you on Sundays!


Letter from the Sponsor (That's me!), 9/23/2012

Hi Parents and Youth,

What a great youth group yesterday for the beginning of our year. We had about half of our confirmation class but of course not everyone will be able to come every time. I am so thrilled with the year ahead. Our group Sunday was caring, generous, energetic and lively, prayerful and considerate, and thoughtful about both societal issues and personal challenges.

Special thanks to the K's for bringing us lunch. I picked up the sides and fruits before late service, and little was left over though they ate their fill. You'll be pleased to know that we finished 2.5 pounds of grapes and a pound of carrots, but had remaining chips. Plain sparkling water was mixed with Capri Sun for bubbly goodness. Saving the cookies for departure was a great idea since there was plenty of energy flowing through them already. We'll continue to do that.

Don't forget: all youth who will be going to activities off church property MUST have the transportation release and the medical information form back before they can go. They are attached and you can return them Sundays during Confirmation or scan and email to me or Pastor Brad. Also, November's Youth Gathering is coming. If you don't have the info Pastor Brad emailed, let him know and he'll send it again.

I also attached the food and devotion signup sheet. Youth, don't forget to pick a Sunday to lead devotion and families, please see if there is a Sunday where you can assist with food--light lunches, and fruit is popular.

You all will get a reminder email the Wednesday before a youth group so please reply if you know you aren't coming. We want enough food for all and we'll need a head count for field trips to make sure we have enough drivers.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Freshening for the New Youth Year

Our room has become a dull place other than the colorful walls painted by middle school youth of years past.

See what I mean? Two lonely pieces of furniture, and a folding table and chairs too short for it. On the other side behind me are some beanbags but three of them are losing their stuffing. However, I, a mom,  and two of the youth dreamed today of ways to bring our energy and excitement back into the room. Suggestions included:

  • mini trampoline
  • yoga balls in place of chairs
  • sofa and love seat in one corner
  • floor pillows
  • large collage but we don't have a subject yet
  • constellations done in glow-in-the-dark stars. Four ceiling panels = four seasons
  • game chairs in place of the bean bags
  • air fresheners (running outside is sweaty, right?)
Here is our wish list. If you have something off the list that is more in your way than useful to you, we'd love to have your donation. This year I'm hoping to focus on reusing and making useful items that are no longer needed rather than buying new. All of us have something in our garages that is in the way but still has life in it. Ugly wood furniture is made beautiful by paint, and for some reason teens and preteens love the concept of painting things, though not the cleanup that follows if I remember myself at 13 correctly.

This year, we're also adding in a service expectation of 10 hours a semester. My two stalwart youth helpers have picked out their project and want to build a gaga ball arena. Sounds like fun (to watch) to me!

I can't wait to see the transformation of our room and ourselves as we gather each week for Confirmation, and twice a month for Youth Group. I will see you next week at Rally Day!!