Thursday, September 27, 2012

Letter from the Sponsor (That's me!), 9/23/2012

Hi Parents and Youth,

What a great youth group yesterday for the beginning of our year. We had about half of our confirmation class but of course not everyone will be able to come every time. I am so thrilled with the year ahead. Our group Sunday was caring, generous, energetic and lively, prayerful and considerate, and thoughtful about both societal issues and personal challenges.

Special thanks to the K's for bringing us lunch. I picked up the sides and fruits before late service, and little was left over though they ate their fill. You'll be pleased to know that we finished 2.5 pounds of grapes and a pound of carrots, but had remaining chips. Plain sparkling water was mixed with Capri Sun for bubbly goodness. Saving the cookies for departure was a great idea since there was plenty of energy flowing through them already. We'll continue to do that.

Don't forget: all youth who will be going to activities off church property MUST have the transportation release and the medical information form back before they can go. They are attached and you can return them Sundays during Confirmation or scan and email to me or Pastor Brad. Also, November's Youth Gathering is coming. If you don't have the info Pastor Brad emailed, let him know and he'll send it again.

I also attached the food and devotion signup sheet. Youth, don't forget to pick a Sunday to lead devotion and families, please see if there is a Sunday where you can assist with food--light lunches, and fruit is popular.

You all will get a reminder email the Wednesday before a youth group so please reply if you know you aren't coming. We want enough food for all and we'll need a head count for field trips to make sure we have enough drivers.
